Sunday, April 29, 2007

Cars n Cars n still counting !

I like driving and can drive to any extent , any place and atany time

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mcdonald's i'm lovin' it

Macdi as I call it has been my life line in Europe tour... on al saturdays and sundays... from bkfast to dinner to inbetween snacks i was livin on them on my continous 9 weekend tours..
thankfully i Love Mcchicken and surviving on tasty food is not a problem for me anywhere .. :)

here now in US the Mcchicken is a bit different, a thick fried chickecn on the sandwich which i dont like, it has to be crisp and thin as in india and europe... but then thankfully i dont need to go Macdi so often here.... thanks to honey :)

The strangest thing which I encounter with Europe macdi's is they dont serve sauce FOC ( neither tomato ketchup neither chilly (Hot as they call it )
i mean how can they expect to have tasty chicken burger and French fries ( I am loving it ) without al the necesaary things ( sauce in my case )
they charge 15-25 cents ( Rs 9 to 15) for a single tomato sachey and i need min of 5 sasches ( off diff variety tomato n hot ) to have the two things..
Strange everytime I had to pay them a euro extra and i didnt mind but then wat bout customer service where they offer tomato ketchups FOC in India n US ......

Also the rates of the meals differ a lot in Macdi from one place in european city to another place... If i were to have a burger close to louvre museum, paris i end up at least spending 2 euros more than I would have end up paying in a normal place in paris,( not so tourist attractive place, though whole paris u wud find torusist clicking snaps n all)

though the macdi in india also have their frnachies opened but i dont think al those frnachies have the liberty of sellin their regualr meal at diff costs at diff places..

then why a diff Biz strategy in Indian europian markets n most imp why i am being charged for 6 sasche of sause without which it makes no sense to hv a yummy burger n fries. :)

Anybody explain ?

but for any reason Hail Macdi for being so common everywhere !

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Introduction and Malaysian people - Clap Clap

My trip to malaysia was my first 'valid' outside india trip... ( valid trip: in 1990 though I went to Nepal but at that time it didnt requiure a passport, so no recordings in my passport as such )

So my first foreign trip was clubbed perfectly with my first honeymoon and my first birthday after marriage 7-Dec-2005 what a day and then there was no looking back in entering the foreign land every now and then...

well why i started writing this blog was to pen down all the exciting / strange/ different happenings which happened with me during my tenure in the alien world..

so it goes like..
we were on our way from Kualalumpur to Langkawii after a great tour of Genting Highlands.. we took the Malaysian Airlines, from going to a busy nice and developed city, to the clear fresh unexplored beaches of Langkawii..
The flight landed well on time and before the usual boring stuff of the air crew could have started "please remain seated till the aircraft comes to a complete halt.. this is for your safety "
all the people sitting in the plane " Clapped together " to say thank you to the flight pilot who was responsible for bringing back to land so many people SAFE...
To me it was like agood gesture from all the passengars to the flight crew who made their journey comfortable and safe.. Me and honey were very happy to see this reaction and joined al those people to say thank u to the flight staff. To us this reaction from people was something different, and a GOOD One !

How many times we forget to say "Thank you" to people around us, who have helped u in one way or the other.. so here goes aBIG thank you to all the people in my life who have touched my life either way.. ( without all of u , i wouldnt have been the same person I am today )

For details of Malaysia read my other blog.. this blog is only bout my experience's in Firangi land